Delegates of the IPPA 22nd Congress in Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Granucci Committee met in March 2024 to consider 27 applications to the Granucci Fund. The following seven projects were funded:

Archaeological survey of West Manggarai, Island of Flores, using Verhoeven's reports from the 1950s.

Radiocarbon dating of the lithic industry from Gua Arca, Kangean Island.

Radiocarbon dating of Middle Holocene flexed burials at the Cappa Lombo site in the Bontocani karst area, South Sulawesi.

A BLK360 photogrammetric survey and DJI LiDAR drone survey of the Lebak Cibedug site, Benten, Java.

Exploratory research to look for new rock art sites in the karst area of Bukit Bulan, Sarolangun, Jambi Province.

The chronology of plank built watercraft and their correlation with human migration in prehistoric and protohistoric Island Southeast Asia

Distribution and chronology of black pigment rock art in the Matarombeo karst mountains, North Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi.

This was the largest number of applications in the history of the Granucci Fund, which was able to award a total of 13,900 Australian dollars this year

Congratulations to the 2024 Granucci Fund Grantees!


Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology

The Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology (E-ISSN 2375-0510) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access online journal. Its purpose is to disseminate reviews, field reports, laboratory studies and post-publication discussions relevant to the archaeology and cultural heritage of East Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific, and Australia. The journal publishes papers and supporting data that are original contributions and of value to researchers interested in the archaeology of the one or more of the countries located within the Indo-Pacific region. References to works generated in languages other than English are encouraged, including reviews of locally disseminated works, but straight translations into English of works produced in a non-English language do not qualify.

The journal is not currently registered with the Directory of Open Access Journals, because recent issues do not meet the requirement of a minimum average of five research articles per year. Accordingly, the journal also does not qualify for Scopus registration. However, papers published in the journal satisfy standard requirements for expert peer review (for example, research thesis by publication).

Published by the University of Washington in the USA, the Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology is a seamless continuation of The Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association and continues to act as the Association’s publishing outlet. The main changes are enhancements in academic transparency, such as double-blind peer review (where the identities of authors and referees are not disclosed to each other), and scope for publication of supporting data. The journal does not derive any income from advertising, publication or perusal fees, and instead relies on complimentary hosting by the University of Washington and pro bono work by the editors and editorial board. Should the University of Washington become unable to host the journal, the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, founded in its present form in 1976 and since then growing stronger over time, shall pursue other means to continue the journal.

Publication is annual, typically in December, mainly in the form of online PDF documents generated from the authors’ submitted documents, but also including Excel spreadsheets with authors’ supporting data. Publication of submissions is not guaranteed where the referees advise against it, authors do not satisfactorily address referees’ comments, or especially if the submission fails to meet the submission criteria listed in the Submission Preparation Checklist.

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Antiquity Journal is actively seeking to publish research that represents global diversity in archaeology. Research from Australia and New Zealand seem to be under-represented at present, but all research from our region is considered.


Island & Coastal Archaeology Book Series

The settlement and occupation of islands, coastlines, and archipelagoes can be traced deep into the human past. From the voyaging and seafaring peoples of Oceania to the Mesolithic fisher-hunter-gatherers of coastal Ireland, to coastal salt production among Maya traders, the range of variation found in these societies over time is boundless. Yet, they share a commonality that links them all together—their dependence upon seas, coasts, and estuaries for life and prosperity. Thus, in all these cultures there is a fundamental link between society and the ecology of islands and coasts. Books in this series explore the nature of humanity’s relationship to these environments from a global perspective.

For more information please visit the weblink: 

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Delegates of the IPPA 20th Congress (2014) in Siem Reap, Cambodia (photo: FCampos)