National Geographic Society


The National Geographic Society is an impact-driven global nonprofit organization with the mission to use the power of science, storytelling, and education to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. To help achieve this mission, the National Geographic Society supports projects in the Human History and Cultures focus area – projects that preserve cultural knowledge and aim to better understand human history, culture, diversity, and evolution in the past and present. Across topics like archaeology, cultural anthropology, paleoanthropology, human geography, human migration, and related fields, National Geographic Society’s goal is to spark curiosity in local and global audiences with stories or learnings about humanity. 

To build on National Geographic’s legacy, the National Geographic Society will conduct a half-day grant writing workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand on November 12th 2022, in association with the 22nd Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association. The workshop is intended primarily to support South and Southeast Asian nationals conducting Human History and Cultures research in the region. Attendants will receive information about developing a successful National Geographic Society grant application, and will have the opportunity to practice these skills in an interactive, collaborative environment. The in-person training will also be supplemented with virtual activities before and after the workshop. 

We kindly invite you to submit a Statement of Interest to participate in the grant writing workshop. The Statement of Interest can be accessed and completed through this link. The Statement of Interest must be completed in English.  

We will prioritize applicants who are early career scholars (in graduate school or recently out of graduate school) who are from South and/or Southeast Asia and are:

We will receive Statements of Interest until September 12th 2022, midnight EST (Eastern Standard Time). Applicants will be informed on the status of their pre-application submission by September 26th 2022. The National Geographic Society will invite successful pre-applicants to submit a full grant application and attend the workshop. More details about the workshop will be available for invitees only. The National Geographic Society will provide workshop materials and some financial support to help alleviate the cost of participating in the workshop. Please note that in order to participate in the workshop and to qualify for financial support, it is required that participants submit a full grant application and participate in the virtual activities.  

While the workshop is an invitation-only event, participation in the workshop is not required to apply for a National Geographic Society grant. National Geographic Society grant applications may be submitted at any time through the National Geographic Society’s grant portal here. For more information about the National Geographic Society, please visit our website. For more information about our Grants Program, please visit our grants program website.