
Thạch Lạc Pottery and the Role of Women in the Prehistoric Societies of Vietnam

Nguyễn Thị Thuý1 & Lâm Thị Mỹ Dung2

1Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi, Vietnam

2Vietnam National University (VNU), University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam


Pottery production contributes deeply to the socio-economic life of the residents of Thach Lac. Pottery is not simply a household item or jewellery, it is directly involved in the production process (spinning yarn, maybe even a lead net) or becomes a powerful weapon (pottery balls - bullets). The role of pottery is more important, showing the role of potter - woman also increases in the community. Pottery has its development steps through stages but successive and continuous. In the early stage, there were parallel cordon and van brush ceramics, round bottom with base and pointed bottom, in which fine cord-mark pottery was the main type. This type of pottery continued to be maintained and developed in the middle period and was gradually replaced by a combination of round-bottomed pottery with low and medium bases, medium cord mark, and carded. The main pattern is engraving single lines and printing dots with multi-tooth rods. Brushing with many teeth appeared, developed from technical elements to artistic patterns with increasingly rich patterns and motifs, forming a staff pattern style tradition. The late period is characterized by pottery with a flared mouth and a rough to very rough (variety) rope. The combination of patterns typical for this period is the motif of the letter S overlapping or twisting the rope running around the rim of the mouth and neck, the letter S intersecting in a rectangular shape, the single horizontal S letter, or an anecdotal variant combined with print. Dot 3-5 drops of water or triangular or rectangular cushion pattern. Iconic creation on pottery patterns, seals and earrings show the power of 'soft power' to dominate social life. Women - icon creators play an important role in society. They gather, make pottery, give birth, keep families, may participate in hunting, and perform rituals. Through pottery, it can be seen that Thach Lac society has a fairly clear division of labor, strong development of pottery, rich patterns show the important role of the potter-woman in the family and society.