
Rock and Roll!!: Lithic Technological Variability Amongst Fluvially-Derived Techno-Complexes of the South Asian Palaeolithic

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, India

The South Asian Palaeolithic, with its wide spatial, temporal, geographic, geological and historiographic context provides an ideal testing ground to evaluate various aspects of prehistoric behaviour and technological constructs. In this paper, lithic technological variability amongst Mode 2 lithic assemblages of the South Asian Palaeolithic are evaluated. The focus is upon three Palaeolithic assemblages from Mahadeo Piparia and Morpani, Madhya Pradesh, central India, and Toka, Himachal Pradesh, northern India where fluvially-derived clasts form the majority of the raw material sources. Evaluating their technological features amongst other relevant Palaeolithic sites from South Asia enables the identification of technological features and patterns which might be relevant for tackling challenges related to exploiting fluvially-derived clasts. Actualistic studies are also undertaken to evaluate possible causal relationships. The resulting datasets may help generate possible technological and behavioural models which can help address questions related to the Palaeolithic occupation of East and Southeast Asia, where recent discoveries are challenging longstanding interpretation of the Palaeolithic record. Hopefully, the study will provide another, more-closer, and relevant model for regional comparisons.