Recent Issues in Indigenous Archaeology

1Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)

2National Central University

3University of California, Los Angeles and Berkeley

4University of Central Lancashire

5National Chengchi University

Issues linked to indigenous archaeology have received increasing attention in recent years across the Asia-Pacific region, notably alongside a rising affirmation of indigenous rights and the questioning of old and persistent colonialist and nationalist paradigms in science and society. This session seeks papers covering this area of research. It invites works on indigenous perspectives about their past, archaeological sites and archaeological science; practical and theoretical interactions between indigenous peoples, indigenous scholars, and archaeologists; indigenous participation in archaeological projects and training; research on, and integration of, indigenous oral history and knowledge of the past, their environment and their territories, and cooperation between educational and museum institutions and indigenous peoples. Ethnoarchaeology and historical anthropology approaches to indigenous (pre)history, the archaeology of indigenous responses to past and present colonial structures, issues about access to prehistoric human remains and the use of ancient DNA, its interpretation, and its publication, and questions about the building of indigenous platforms for archaeological training and knowledge, are also welcome.